Graduate Catalog

Visual Arts, Master of Fine Arts

3-D (Ceramics, Sculpture), 2-D (Painting, Printmaking, Photography), Graphic Design, Illustration (60 semester hours)

**“Get Your Master’s with the Masters” M.F.A. Program:

The sequence and schedule of courses for these concentrations differ from the other concentrations, with the majority of the residency being required in the summer and significant work continued during the fall and spring semesters in metropolitan areas. This is a customized delivery system for a 60-credit Master of Fine Arts Degree in Visual Arts with concentrations in Illustration and Graphic Design. It was specifically designed for working art directors, ad designers, illustrators, and teachers of art who have to budget their time and resources carefully, while continuing their full-time occupations. You can continue working at your current job and earn a fully-accredited Master of Fine Arts degree at the same time. Interested students should visit and review the program’s website, and contact the Art Department for specific information.

Core Courses (15 semester hours)

ART 600MFA/MA Seminar


ART 642Approaches to Art Criticism


ART 549Aesthetics


ART History


Visual Arts Concentration (30 semester hours)

Chosen from one of the specific studio areas listed above. (30 Credits)

Studio Electives (15 semester hours)

Chosen from other graduate level studio courses or practicum offerings (15 Credits)

Professional Contribution

ART 639AThesis Project


ART 639BThesis and Exhibit


Specific course sequence, etc. can be found in the Art Department’s Handbook for Graduate Students. Interested students should contact the department.