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Graduate Catalog
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Undergraduate Catalog
Graduate Catalog
Archived Catalogs
ART 500
History of Graphic Design
ART 500W
History of Graphic Design
ART 501
Medieval Art History
ART 502
History of Photography
ART 504
History of Printmaking and Graphics
ART 507
Contemporary Art
ART 507W
Contemporary Art History
ART 509
History of American Illustration
ART 509W
History of American Illustration
ART 511
Photography for the Art Educator
ART 512
Advanced Advertising and Illustrative?Photography
ART 513
Advanced Color Photography
ART 514
Contemporary Photography
ART 515
Newspaper and Magazine Photography
ART 516
Experimental Photography
ART 517
View-Camera Photography
ART 518
Problems in Photography
ART 519
Research in Photography
ART 520A
Survey of Printmaking
ART 520B
Survey of Printmaking
ART 522
Relief Printmaking
ART 524
ART 526
ART 527
ART 530A
Figure Drawing I
ART 530B
Figure Drawing II
ART 531A
Book Illustration
ART 531B
Book Illustration
ART 532A
Advanced Drawing I
ART 532B
Advanced Drawing II
ART 532C
Advanced Drawing III
ART 539A
Advanced Painting I
ART 539B
Advanced Painting II
ART 539C
Advanced Painting III
ART 539D
Advanced Painting IV
ART 540
ART 541A
Computer Aided Design I
ART 541B
Computer Aided Design II
ART 541C
Computer Aided Design III
ART 541G
Alternative Digital Imaging
ART 543
Green Piece: Art and Nature in America
ART 546A
Design Research - Clay
ART 546C
Design Research - Painting
ART 546D
Design Research - Photography
ART 546E
Design Research - Fibers
ART 546F
Design Research - Printmaking
ART 546H
Design Research/Sculpture
ART 546W
Design Research for Illustrators and?Advertising Designers
ART 547A
Jewelry-Metals I
ART 547B
Jewelry-Metals II
ART 547C
Jewelry-Metals III
ART 549
ART 549W
ART 550
Directed Reading
ART 551W
Professional Practices I
ART 552
Study Tour in Art
ART 552A
Study Tour in Art (europe Or Americas
ART 552W
Professional Practices II
ART 553W
Professional Practices III
ART 554W
Professional Practices IV
ART 555
Professional Contribution/Research
ART 555E
Professional Contribution/Exhibit
ART 555W
Professional Contribution
ART 557A
Sculpture I
ART 557B
Sculpture II
ART 557C
Sculpture III
ART 557D
Sculpture IV
ART 559
Three Dimensional Design
ART 560A
Creative Problem Solving I
ART 560B
Creative Problem Solving II
ART 560C
Creative Problem Solving III
ART 560D
Creative Problem Solving IV
ART 560E
Creative Problem Solving V
ART 560F
Creative Problem Solving
ART 563A
Ceramics I
ART 563B
Ceramics II
ART 563C
Ceramics III
ART 563D
Ceramics IV
ART 564
Nineteenth Century Art
ART 565
Twentieth Century Art
ART 570
Design: A Study Through Weaving
ART 571A
Utilitarian Weaving I
ART 571B
Utilitarian Weaving II
ART 572A
Tapestry I
ART 572B
Tapestry II
ART 574
Collage: Exploration in Paper, Cloth,?And Related Media
ART 576A
Nonutilitarian Weaving I
ART 576B
Nonutilitarian Weaving II
ART 590
Current Trends in Art Education
ART 592
Professional Practice Skills in Art?Education
ART 599A
Independent Study - Clay
ART 599B
Independent Study - Metals
ART 599C
Independent Study - Painting
ART 599D
Independent Study - Photography
ART 599E
Independent Study - Art History
ART 599F
Independent Study - Fibers
ART 599G
Independent Study - Printmaking
ART 599J
Independent Study-Drawing
ART 600
MFA/MA Seminar
ART 600A
M.F.A. and M.A. Seminar
ART 600B
M.F.A. and M.A. Seminar
ART 600C
M.F.A. and M.A. Seminar
ART 600D
M.F.A. and M.A. Seminar
ART 600E
M.F.A. and M.A. Seminar
ART 601
Special Topics: Medieval Art
ART 601A
ST: Fire & Ice
ART 601B
Hist Pst Mod Wmn: Lit and Art
ART 601C
St: Studies in Greek Art
ART 601D
ST: Classical Sculpture - Interpreting
ART 601E
ST: Early Christian Art, Arc, & Archgly
ART 601F
ST: Problems in Italian Renaissance Art
ART 601G
ST: History of Latin American Art
ART 601H
ST: Mixed Media
ART 601I
ST:Baroque Art Europe & World
ART 601J
ST: History of Printmaking
ART 601K
ST: Paper Collage
ART 601L
ST: Digital / 2D Mixed Media
ART 601M
Introduction to Printmaking
ART 601N
Rsrch/Tchng Mthdlgs in Art History
ART 606
Studies in Art History
ART 606A
Studies in Italian High Renaissance Art
ART 606C
17th Century Masters of Baroque Art
ART 606D
American Architecture
ART 606E
American Art Exploration and Expansion
ART 606F
Northern Renaissance
ART 606J
History of Art Education
ART 606K
Studies - Rmn Art
ART 610
Graduate Studio Painting I
ART 611
Graduate Studio Painting II
ART 612
Graduate Studio Painting III
ART 613
Graduate Studio Painting IV
ART 615
Graduate Studio/Clay I
ART 616
Graduate Studio/Clay II
ART 617
Graduate Studio/Clay III
ART 618
Graduate Studio/Clay IV
ART 620
Graduate Studio/Sculpture I
ART 621
Graduate Studio/Sculpture II
ART 622
Graduate Studio/Sculpture III
ART 623
Graduate Studio/Sculpture IV
ART 626
Graduate Studio/Fibers II
ART 627
Graduate Studio/Fibers III
ART 628
Graduate Studio/Fibers IV
ART 629
Textile Research/Project
ART 636A
Practicum I
ART 639A
Thesis Project
ART 639B
Thesis and Exhibit
ART 642
Approaches to Art Criticism
ART 642W
Rendering Ideas
ART 643W
Conceptual Exercises
ART 644W
The Children's Book
ART 645W
Visual Solutions
ART 646W
Communication Concepts
ART 648W
Marketing Your Art
ART 649
Art World Study Tour
ART 660
Graduate Studio/Photography
ART 661
Graduate Studio/Photography
ART 662
Graduate Studio/Photography
ART 663
Graduate Studio/Photography
ART 670
Graduate Studio/Printmaking
ART 671
Graduate Studio/Printmaking
ART 672
Graduate Studio/Printmaking
ART 673
Graduate Studio/Printmaking
ART 606I
Green Piece: Art and Nature in America
ART 636B
Practicum II
ART 647W
Graphic Perspectives