Graduate Catalog

Professional Writing, Master of Arts


(30 credits)

This program is comprised of twenty-four credits of coursework and a six-credit capstone achieved either through an internship and portfolio or a Masters thesis. Undergraduates in English or Multimedia Communication or related field may apply for the 4+1 degree option in their third year and begin taking graduate work in the fourth year. Students who have already earned a Bachelors degree who attend the program full-time can complete the Master of Arts degree in one calendar year; students may opt for part-time attendance if continuing to work full-time.


These classes must be taken at the 500- or 600-level. At least one of them must be taken from courses categorized as “Workplace” and one from those categorized as “Social Justice.”

Capstone Experience

Students may choose 1 of 2 capstone experiences:

Substitutions may be granted with permission of the Graduate Director and Program Coordinator/Department Chair.

4+1 Program

Students interested in this program should consult the Director for appropriate advising about which courses to take at the undergraduate level and which to reserve for graduate study. Applications for the Master of Arts will be done in the student’s third year. It is recommended that students accepted to the 5-year program complete their undergraduate capstone (ENGL 495) in spring of the third year.  Note: if students take ENGL 420, 425, or 440 as part of their undergraduate coursework, they may opt to substitute 500- or 600-level elective courses in place of 520, 525, or 540 to complete the required 24 credits. They must receive approval of the Graduate Director and Program Coordinator/Department Chair. 

Year 4:

In the fourth year, students will take 12 credits of 500-level work towards the Master of Arts degree. We encourage students to take at least two to three of the required courses (520, 525, or 540) and one to two electives.

Sample Year 5:

Summer II

 ENGL 698A: Internship (if doing Capstone Option 1) (3)


ENGL 600: Professional Writing Theory and Praxis  
 ENGL 540: Research Methods for Content Creators  
 One 500-level elective  (9)


 One 500-level elective  
 ENGL 698B: Portfolio (Capstone Option 1)  
 ENGL 699A: Thesis (Capstone Option 2)  (6)

Summer I

 ENGL 699B: Thesis (Capstone Option 2) (3)