Graduate Catalog

PADM 508 Communication Strategic Planning and?Organizational Dynamics

Stresses the behavioral aspects of organizational communication, such as impact of power, persuasion, values, status, and role of the communication process; barriers to communication; conflict management, and group communication. The courses will also look at the theory and practice of strategic planning applied in the private, nonprofit sector. Students study several planning models, including strategic planning models, and apply specific elements of the strategic planning process to an actual case. The components of study will include environmental scanning, problem identification, SWOT analyses, strategy formulation, implementation planning, and various sub-elements of the process such as the construction of scenarios. The course will provide students with the opportunity to apply the strategic planning model as a tool for sustaining and strengthening organizational achievement. Finally, the course examines what a supervisor needs to know about human behavior in a work setting. Stressed are the subjects of work motivation, power and control, communication, impact of work/organization design, and management-by-objectives using a case analysis/discussion format.
