Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Standards

A student must attain a cumulative quality point average (QPA) of 2.00 to satisfy degree requirements. A minimum of 2.33 is required in one’s major. Some major programs require a higher QPA. Individual program descriptions provide specific information.

Good Standing

A student is in good standing when his/her cumulative quality point average is at least 2.00.

Semester Warning

Whenever the quality point average for a semester is less than 2.00, but the cumulative quality point average is 2.00 or better, the student will be warned.


A student will be placed on probation if a QPA of 1.00 is not achieved in any given semester or whenever his/her cumulative quality point average falls below 2.00. Probation is temporary; it is, therefore, not included in the student’s academic record.

The consequences of being on probation include:

  1. academic dismissal after one semester on probation, if the student’s QPA does not improve significantly;
  2. possible required reduction in credit load;
  3. ineligibility to participate in varsity athletics;
  4. ineligibility to hold office in Student Government;
  5. loss or reduction of financial aid.

Major Warning

A student will be placed on major warning if the quality point average in his/her major program falls below the 2.33 minimum (some majors require a higher QPA). A first-semester student’s quality point average is the same as his or her cumulative quality point average.

Continued Probation

If a student’s cumulative quality point average increases and, though still below 2.00, indicates possibility to attain the standards required for graduation, the student may be continued on probation for another semester.


Upon recommendation of the Grades and Academic Standing Committee, the appropriate dean will dismiss:

  1. a student who fails to improve her/his cumulative quality point average at the end of a semester or more on probation.
  2. a student whose cumulative quality point average increases, though still remaining below 2.00, if the student’s academic record indicates little potential for attaining the academic standards required for graduation. (Academic dismissal is recorded on the student’s academic record.)
  3. a student who has had previous but not consecutive semesters on probation.
  4. a student who fails to achieve a 1.00 in any two semesters.
  5. Students may also be dismissed for other academic reasons, such as academic dishonesty.

Undergraduate Grading System

The grading system adopted by the University is as follows:

Quality Points


A 4.00
A– 3.67


B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67


C+ 2.33
C 2.00

Poor, but Passing

C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00


F 0.00
F* 0.00 (Unofficial withdrawal; failure to resolve “I” or “X” grade

Not Figured in QPA

I Incomplete
W Withdrew officially
WP Withdrew officially with passing grade
WF Withdrew officially with failing grade
X Temporary delay in reporting final grade
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
AD Audit

The  “Incomplete” (I) grade is given to a student who has done satisfactory (C or better) work in a course but has not completed the course requirements because of illness or some other emergency situation. The student must submit to the course instructor a written request for the grade “I.” (Forms are available on the University website at www.marywood.edu/registrr/forms.html or at the Office of Academic Records.)  A faculty member is not permitted to assign “Incomplete” unless the student has requested it and is eligible under the above conditions. An “Incomplete” in a course taken for credit must be resolved within one month after the opening of the following semester or the grade becomes a permanent “F*” or “U.” The student is responsible for making satisfactory arrangements with the teacher for completion of course requirements. After an “Incomplete” has been changed to a failing grade, a student must retake the course concerned to obtain credit.

The “X” indicates that credit for the semester work in the course is withheld pending completion of course requirements. Unlike the “I,” the “X” is initiated by the faculty member or, in certain circumstances, the registrar. The student will be given an opportunity to complete the final examination or project provided there is a valid reason for the delay. Lack of academic effort does not constitute a valid reason. The “X” grade must be resolved in the same manner as an “I.”

Flight practicums will be afforded the length of the next major semester beyond the term in which the temporary grade was recorded for resolution.  At the conclusion of that semester, unresolved flight practicum grades will be converted to a permanent grade of "U" and must be repeated.  In no case will students be allowed registration for a subsequent flight practicum until the outstanding temporary grade has been resolved.

The standing “Failure” (F or F*) indicates that the student has not obtained any credit for the semester’s work. If it is a required course, it must be repeated.

Any grade, including “F” and “F*,” is retained on the student’s record, but is removed from the computation of the QPA when a student retakes the same course at Marywood and earns a higher grade in the retake. However, a student may retake a course only once.

Midterm Deficiency Grades

Each semester is divided into two quarters. At the end of the first quarter, faculty submit grades for undergraduate students whose work at that point is deficient in the “D+,” “D,” “F” or “U” range. The purpose of these grades is to help students avoid failure or unsatisfactory grades by informing them of the need to improve the quality of their work before final course grades are issued. Deficiency grades are NOT calculated into a student’s QPA.