Undergraduate Catalog

Music Degrees

Program Requirements for All Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts Majors

All music majors whose primary performing instrument is not piano or organ must pass a piano proficiency examination. If keyboard skills are lacking, further applied piano study is required. Music Therapy majors must also pass a guitar proficiency examination. All undergraduate music majors must present a senior recital on their primary instrument.

All music majors participate in a major ensemble appropriate to their primary performing instrument each semester of full-time status except while student teaching. Vocal majors enroll in Concert Choir. Wind and percussion majors enroll in Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble. String majors enroll in Orchestra. Piano, organ, and guitar majors can choose their major ensemble. Non-vocal majors must enroll in Concert Choir for at least four semesters.

Music majors are also required to complete the University liberal arts core.

Degree Requirements

Major Core Electives Total
B.M. Music Education 103.5-104.5 43/46 0 120
B.M. Music Performance 80-85 43/46 0 120
B.M. Music Therapy 92-94 37/40 0 120
B.A. Music (Musical Theatre) 82 43/46 0 120
B.A. Theatre 48 43/46 26-29 120
B.A. Theatre Education 92 40/43 0 120
B.A. Arts Administration
a) Music 65 43/46 9-12 120
b) Theatre 73 43/46 1-4 120