Typical Course Sequence Pre-Professional (Undergraduate) Phase First Year Curriculum: (33 UG credits)
Fall 1
CSD 163 | Introduction to Communication Disorders | 3 |
CSD 164 | Phonetics | 3 |
BIOL 130 | Principles of Anatomy and Physiology | 3 |
ENGL 160 | Composition and Rhetoric | 3 |
PHIL 113 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PSYC 211 | General Psychology | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
Spring 1
CSD 166 | Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and?Hearing | 4 |
CSD 261 | Speech Science | 3 |
RST 112 | Modern Belief | 3 |
ENGL 180 | Introduction to World Literature | 3 |
PSYC 251 | Developmental Psychology | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
Second Year Curriculum: (40 UG credits)
Fall 2
CSD 265 | Speech and Language Development | 3 |
CSD 265L | Language Sample Analysis Lab | 2 |
CSD 241 | American Sign Language I | 3 |
CSD 263 | Linguistics for the Slp | 3 |
| PHYS or CHEM | 3 |
FL | Foreign Language | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
11 UG CSD and 6 LA
PHYS or CHEM: Required for ASHA
Spring 2
CSD 270 | Hearing Science | 2 |
CSD 271 | Introduction to Speech Sound Disorders | 3 |
CSD 266 | Language Disorders in Children | 3 |
| | |
CSD 242 | American Sign Language II | 3 |
| Or | |
LA | General Elective | 3 |
| | |
FL | Foreign Language | 3 |
| | |
PHIL 315 | Ethics | 3 |
| Or | |
PHIL 404 | | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 17 |
8 or 11 UG CSD and 6 or 9 LA
FL Foreign Language: 3 credits of Foreign Language may be replaced with an LA General Elective if student meets core curriculum requirements for years taken.
LA General Elective: Educational Psychology required for Teacher Certification
Sum 1 (Session I)
ENGL | English | 3 |
LA | General Elective | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 6 |
6 LA
Note: ENGL > ENGL 301
Third Year Curriculum: (41 credits; 36 undergraduate credits – 5 graduate credits)
Fall 3
CSD 363 | Audiology | 3 |
CSD 363L | Audiology Lab | 0 |
CSD 366 | Intro to Communication Disorders-Adults?In Adults | 3 |
MATH 155 | Statistics for Behavioral/Social Science | 3 |
HIST | History | 3 |
FA | Fine Arts | 3 |
LA | General Elective | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 18 |
6 UG CSD and 12 LA
LA General Elective: Social Foundations required for Teacher Certification
Spring 3
CSD 364 | Auditory Amplification and Aural?Rehabilitation | 3 |
| | |
CSD 361 | Intro Clinical Meth & Proc/Sp Lang Path | 3 |
| Or | |
CSD 362 | Clinical Methods/Processes in Audiology | 3 |
| | |
CSD 469 | ST: Communication?Disorders | 1 |
HIST 105 | Ethnicity and Diversity in the Modern?World | 3 |
RST | Religion | 3 |
LA | General Elective | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
7 UG CSD and 9 LA
RST Religion: above 100 level
LA General Elective: Method/Assess ESL required for Teacher Certification
Sum 2 (Session I)
CSD 505 | | 3 |
CSD 501 | | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 5 |
Sum 2 (Session II)
CSD 468A | Introductory Clinical Practicum in?Speech-Language Pathology | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: | 2 |
CSD 468A: begins Sum I – 10 wks
NOTE: 114 credits toward an undergraduate degree have been earned at the completion of the third-year curriculum (which includes summers I and II). For those students transitioning to the Professional Phase, six additional CSD graduate credits will be counted toward the 120-credit requirement for the undergraduate degree. For those students who will not be transitioning, undergraduate elective liberal arts credits will be needed to complete the 120 required for their undergraduate degree.
Fourth Year Curriculum: (44 CSD Grad credits for five-year students; 50 CSD Grad credits for two-year students) and (3-9 additional EDUC graduate credits if pursuing Teacher Certification and not previously taken)
Fall 4 Grad
CSD 502 | | 3 |
CSD 504 | | 4 |
CSD 506P | | 3 |
CSD 508 | | 2 |
CSD 516A | Clinical Practicum in Speech-Language?Pathology A | 2 |
CSD 518P | | 1 |
CSD 524 | | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: | 16 |
16 CSD Grad Credits for students completing five-year program or (*) 17 CSD (CSD 518P) Graduate Credits for two-year graduate students
Spring 4 Grad
CSD 500 | | 3 |
CSD 503 | | 3 |
CSD 507 | | 2 |
CSD 515 | | 3 |
CSD 514 | | 2 |
CSD 516B | | 1 |
CSD 521 | | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: | 15-17 |
15 or 17 CSD Grad Credits
CSD 521: 1/2 cohort
Sum 3 Grad (Session I)
CSD 501 | | 3 |
CSD 505 | | 3 |
CSD 525 | | 2 |
| | |
EDUC 502 | | 3 |
EDUC 523 | Seminar: Psychology of Education | 3 |
EDUC 561 | Methods Materials and Assessment in ESL?Teaching Esl | 3 |
2 CSD Grad Credits for five-year students; 7 CSD Grad Credits for two-year students; 3-9 EDUC credits if pursuing Teacher Certification and not already completed
CSD 505, CSD 501: Previously taken by 5-year students
EDUC 502, EDUC 523, EDUC 561: Required for Teacher Certification
Sum 3 Grad (Session II)
CSD 510 | | 3 |
CSD 511 | | 2 |
CSD 516C | | 1 |
CSD 517P | | 1 |
CSD 522 | | 1 |
CSD 521 | | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: | 9-11 |
Fifth-Year Curriculum (11 CSD Graduate credits) or (20 Graduate credits; 8 CSD Graduate credits and 12 EDUC credits if pursuing Teacher Certification)
Fall 5 Grad
CSD 513 | | 3 |
CSD 519I | | 3 |
CSD 526 | Medical SLP?Approach | 2 |
Total Credit Hours: | 8 |
Spring 5 Grad
3 CSD Grad Credit or 12 EDUC Grad Credits
EDUC 597: Required for Teacher Certification