Graduate Catalog

PA 514 PtientAssessment&ClinicalCorrelationsII

Patient Assessment and Clinical Correlations II is the second of a three-part comprehensive and cumulative series in proper history taking, correct physical examination techniques, documentation and the correlation of information from other courses to develop a foundation to practice primary care medicine. It is offered in a systematic-approach method allowing the student to apply critical thinking; utilizing information gathered from the history and physical exam to formulate differential diagnoses, assessments and plans. Students learn about medical care across the lifespan: prenatal, perinatal, pediatric preventive care, adult preventative care, and older adult preventative care. The student learns to be mindful of the Patient-PA relationship including patient confidentiality, patient welfare, respect, ethics, cultural awareness, and professionalism. Lectures for each topic include anatomy and physiology review, disease processes, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms of diseases/conditions and appropriate documentation regarding the systems covered. This course utilizes formal lectures, class discussions, supervised laboratory sessions, case studies, oral presentations, OSCEs and independent study to help the student improve their clinical skills.
