Undergraduate Catalog

PHIL 450P ST: Scl Rsp, Ethics, & Nut Transition

This class and trip will provide learning opportunities and experiences in international development, international business, global justice, and nutrition in the specific context of a nutrition transition in the developing world. Such a transition is marked by a significant change in dietary patterns; specifically, we are interested in the trend in developing countries in which people are moving away from a plant-based diet to one high in processed foods, refined sugars and animal products due to relatively new, though hugely influential, social, economic, and environmental issues plaguing these regions. This transition is causing the rate of chronic diseases to increase in these impoverished areas. In particular, this class will focus on the current and on-going nutrition transition in Guatemala. After the students have been introduced to the issues at hand they will use the lens of their own discipline, and collaborate with the other disciplines in the class, to develop sustainable (economically, environmentally, ethically, and socially) methods of addressing the problems causing and caused by this transition.
