Graduate Catalog

Speech-Language Pathology, Master of Science

(Includes Pre-Professional Phase and Professional Phase)

This five-year program consists of two distinct phases including the Pre- Professional Phase (years 1-3) and the Professional Phase (years 4-5). The two-year program consists of the Professional Phase.

The Pre-Professional Phase

During this phase of the program, students take classes to meet the liberal arts core requirements as well as complete courses in basic human communication processes and some speech-language disorders to prepare them for application and admittance to the Professional Phase of the program.

The Professional Phase

This phase of the program concentrates on coursework in various communication disorders across the life span and provides clinical practicum experiences where students learn to apply knowledge and skills to children and adults who have various speech-language-swallowing disorders. An option to pursue teacher certification is also offered.

Program Flexibility – Multiple Points of Entry

  • Enter as a Freshman – Five-year program
  • Enter as a Transfer – Two to five-year program based on approved credits for advanced standing
  • Enter as a Graduate Student – Those students with an in-field bachelor’s degree from an accredited university may earn their master’s in SLP in approximately two years (5 semesters); those with an out-of-field bachelor’s degree from an accredited university may earn their master’s degree in SLP in approximately three years (7 semesters).

Program Admission and Matriculation Requirements

1. A minimum SAT score of 1120 (M & V) is required for admission to the program (Pre-Professional Phase). An ACT score of a minimum of 23 will also be acceptable in lieu of the SAT. Enrollment is limited in any given academic year due to ASHA accreditation guidelines. If ACT or SAT scores are not available, please contact the Admissions Department regarding alternate admission options.

2. Upon completion of the first-year curriculum (freshman year), a minimum QPA of 3.25 in the CSD major is expected and a minimum cumulative QPA of 2.50 is required to remain in the program. For each subsequent semester, a CSD QPA and an overall QPA of 3.25 is expected in order to advance in the Pre- Professional Phase. Students must achieve a minimum overall and CSD QPA of 3.25 by the end of the third-year curriculum in order to transition from the Pre-Professional to the Professional Phase of the program.

3. Students who do not maintain these QPAs will be placed on academic probation with a possible revised plan of study. An interview at the discretion of the CSD chair, and the student’s advisor may also be required. After one semester if the overall and/or CSD QPA does not improve, students may be dismissed from the program. Advisement as to other career opportunities will be provided.

4. Students may earn one “C” letter final grade in a CSD pre-professional course. If a student earns a second “C” grade, a meeting with the CSD chairperson and academic advisor will be held to determine which of those courses the student will be required to repeat. The student will be informed of the decision by their academic advisor and placed on academic probation until the course is repeated with a minimum grade of B-. Students who retake a course are only permitted to retake the course one time, and a revised plan of study will be determined. If a student fails to earn the minimum expected grade of B- once the course is repeated, he/she will be dismissed from the program. Advisement as to other career opportunities will be provided. Students who earn below a C grade in any CSD course will be required to repeat the course with a minimum grade of B-.

5. Students who have successfully met all requirements for the liberal arts core and CSD Pre-Professional Phase coursework may apply for admission to the Professional (graduate) Phase of the CSD five-year program during the spring semester of year 3. See Graduate Admissions for a CSD Transition Application to the Professional Phase and the due date for completion.

6. Students whose CSD QPA is between 2.33 and 3.24 and who meet the University’s minimum overall QPA requirements to earn a degree may be granted an undergraduate degree in CSD, but will not be eligible to transition to the Professional (Graduate) Phase of the five-year program.

7. Students who earn below a B– in any CSD graduate course/CSD practicum experience (Professional Phase) will be expected to develop an academic/clinical support plan with the course instructor/clinical supervisor in order to improve in those knowledge/skill areas in which the student is deemed deficient. An acceptable mastery level, based on formative assessment, must be demonstrated in all knowledge and skills areas, according to the current ASHA certification standards. In addition, a grade of B– or better or an “S” for any practicum experience is required to advance to the next experience in the sequence. Modifications to any of these requirements can only be granted on a case by case basis upon review by the internship coordinator and graduate program director.

8. For students entering the five-year program at the Professional (Graduate) Phase, who have earned their undergraduate degree from another accredited institution, the following is also required: 

-Submission of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test scores and official undergraduate transcripts.

-Two letters of recommendation from individuals who can comment on the applicant’s academic and clinical skills and potential for successful graduate study (e.g., former professors, clinical supervisors).

-Submission of a typewritten essay. See specific essay questions and requirements included in the Graduate Admissions Application Packet or online application.

-A personal or phone interview at the discretion of the CSD department chair and/or graduate program director.

Note: Preference will be given to applicants who can attend the program full-time and take the full complement of courses offered within the context of a cohort model. Typically, students are admitted to the Professional Phase in the fall semester. Part-time students are also admitted on a case-by-case basis and are expected to carry nine credits per semester.

Transfer Students

Students who have started their graduate work in speech-language pathology at another ASHA CAA accredited program may be eligible to transfer up to six credits of academic coursework into the Professional Phase of the five-year program, provided they can demonstrate competency of knowledge and skills that are comparable to student learning outcomes expected of Marywood’s CSD graduate students and based on formative assessment and the availability of space in the program. An interview with the CSD chair and/or graduate program director is required.

Admission to Degree Candidacy

Students are required to file an application for admission to candidacy with the CSD graduate program director in the spring semester of the 4th year curriculum (Professional Phase). In order to be eligible for candidacy, students must have completed 12 graduate credits with a “B” average. Students who have not matriculated through the five-year program must also verify they have taken the GRE.

Degree Conferral and Certification

Those students entering the program as undergraduates will be awarded a B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders upon completion of the fourth year. At the end of the fifth year, these students and those entering with an in-field bachelor’s degree who have successfully completed the Professional Phase (years 4 and 5) of the five-year program will be awarded a Master of Science degree in Speech-Language Pathology and are eligible to pursue ASHA certification and state licensure.

Prerequisite Course Sequence for Students with Out-of-Field Undergraduate Degree

Students with out-of-field undergraduate degrees are eligible to apply for the Professional (Graduate) Phase of the program and will be admitted provisionally. Enrollment in graduate level courses; however, requires the following: 

  1. Permission of the CSD chairperson and/or graduate program director.
  2. Completion of 32 credits of an approved CSD undergraduate prerequisite course sequence at Marywood University with a minimum final grade of B.
  3. Meeting the requirements in basic science, mathematics, and social science coursework according to current ASHA standards. These courses may be taken at any accredited institution. Any courses taken at institutions other than Marywood must be approved by the CSD department chair and/or graduate program director.
  4. Completion of 25 observation hours directed by an ASHA-certified professional with appropriate documentation.

A plan of study will be developed by the CSD department chair and/or graduate program director, who will serve as the student’s academic advisor. Students will be required to sign a statement regarding their plan of study, which reads: “The student named on this form understands that to be eligible to matriculate in the Professional Phase of the program, he/she must complete this plan of study with an overall minimum quality point average (QPA) of ‘B.’ The student must earn a minimum QPA of ‘B’ in the fall semester before being permitted to enroll for courses offered during the spring semester.”

CSD Prerequisite Course Sequence


CSD 164


CSD 166


CSD 261


CSD 263Linguistics for the Slp


CSD 265


CSD 265L


CSD 266


CSD 270


CSD 271


CSD 363


CSD 363L


CSD 364


Total Credit Hours:32

25 hours of clinical observation directed by an ASHA-certified professional

The typical sequence of CSD undergraduate prerequisite courses follows:

Fall Semester


Linguistics for the SLP

Speech and Language Development

Language Sample Analysis Lab

Audiology and Lab

Spring Semester

Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing

Speech Science

Hearing Science

Introduction to Language Disorders in Children

Introduction to Speech Sound Disorders

Aural Rehabilitation.

Minimum Requirements for Basic Science and Human Communication Science Coursework (if not taken as an undergraduate)

3 credits
Physical Science
3 credits (e.g., Chemistry, Physics)
3 credits (a course in Statistics is required)
Behavioral/Social Science 3 credits (e.g., Psychology, Sociology)

Human Communication Processes

Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing; Phonetics; Speech and Hearing Science; Normal Speech-Language Development; Audiology and Amplification-Aural Rehab

Five-Year Program Leading to a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology

Typical Course Sequence

Pre-Professional (Undergraduate) Phase

First-year Curriculum: (33 UG credits)

Fall 1

CSD 163


CSD 164


BIOL 130


PHIL 113


ENGL 160


PSYC 211


Total Credit Hours:17

5 UG CSD & 12 LA

Spring 1

CSD 166


CSD 261


PSYC 251


RST 112


ENGL 180


Total Credit Hours:16

7 UG CSD & 9 LA

Second-year Curriculum: (40 UG credits)

Fall 2

CSD 265


CSD 265L


CSD 241


CSD 263


Foreign Language


CHEM 112AST: Chemistry in Our World


Total Credit Hours:17

11 UG CSD & 6 LA

PHYS OR CHEM: Required for ASHA

Spring 2

CSD 270


CSD 271


CSD 266



CSD 242



General Elective



PHIL 315



PHIL 404



Foreign Language


Total Credit Hours:17

8 or 11 UG CSD & 6 or 9 LA

FL Foreign Language : 3 credits of Foreign Language may be replaced with a LA General Elective if student meets core curriculum requirements for years taken.

CSD 242: elective

L A General Elective: Educ PSYC required for Teacher Certification

Summer 1 (Session I)

Upper Level English


General Elective


Total Credit Hours:6

6 LA

ENGL Upper Level English: >ENGL 301

Third-year Curriculum: (41 credits; 36 UG credits – 5 Grad credits)

Fall 3

CSD 363


CSD 363L


CSD 366


MATH 155


Fine Arts




General Elective


Total Credit Hours:18

6 UG CSD & 12 LA

LA General Elective: Social Fnd required for Teacher Certification

Spring 3

CSD 364



CSD 361


CSD 362


CSD 469


HIST 105




General Elective


Total Credit Hours:16

7 UG CSD & 9 LA

RST Religion: above 100 level

LA General Elective: Method/Assess ESL required for Teacher Certification

Summer 2 (Session I)

CSD 501Family Systems & Counseling:multicultrlýPrsp in Sp-Lang Path


CSD 505Augmentative and AlternativeýCommunication Systems


Total Credit Hours:5


Summer 2 (Session II)

CSD 468A


Total Credit Hours:2


CSD 468A: begins Summer I – 10 weeks

NOTE: The Liberal Arts core requirements can be taken in a somewhat variable sequence. However, what is depicted is the optimal pedagogical sequence due to the interrelationship between Liberal Arts and CSD course content. Each student’s specific plan of study regarding the Liberal Arts course sequence will be determined through the advising process.

NOTE: At the completion of the third-year curriculum (which includes Summers I and II) a total of 114 credits have been earned. The undergraduate degree can be granted with 120 credits, provided that a student completes an additional semester of six credits during the Fall IV semester (Fourth-year Curriculum).

This can be accomplished in one of two ways:

  1. If the student is not eligible to continue in the five-year program to earn the master’s degree, he/she will complete at least six additional undergraduate credits during the Fall IV semester. These credits reflect a combination of Liberal Arts and other undergraduate elective coursework. The student and his/her academic advisor will determine an individual plan of study.
  2. If the student is continuing for the master’s degree in SLP, six CSD graduate credits that are earned during the Fall IV semester will be applied toward the completion of the undergraduate degree. Up to twelve CSD graduate credits can be applied toward the B.S. degree, which can be awarded at the end of the Fall IV semester (Fourth-year Curriculum).

Professional (Graduate) Phase Course Sequence

Fourth-year Curriculum: (44 CSD graduate credits for five-year students; 50 CSD graduate credits for two-year students) and (3–9 additional EDUC graduate credits if pursuing Teacher Certification and not previously taken)

Fall IV Graduate

CSD 502Aphasia


CSD 504Lang Learn Disorders Schl Aged Chld/AdolýDisabilities in Child & Adol


CSD 506PDiag Tests/Meas & Scient Clinical Writ


CSD 508Fluency Disorders


CSD 516AClinical Practicum in Speech-LanguageýPathology A


CSD 518PIndependent Study in Clinical MethodsýAnd Processes


CSD 524Neuroscience


Total Credit Hours:16-17

CSD graduate credits for students completing five-year program 16

CSD graduate credits for two-year graduate students* 17

CSD 518P is for incoming students from outside programs

Spring IV Graduate

CSD 500Research Methods in Speech-LanguageýPathology


CSD 503Speech Sound DisordersýDisorders


CSD 507Voice Disorders


CSD 511Pediatric Neuromotor Speech Disorders


CSD 514Adult Neurogenic Motor Speech Disorders


CSD 516BClinical Practicum in Speech-LanguageýPathology B


CSD 521Diagnostic Practicum in Speech-LanguageýPathology


Total Credit Hours:14-17

CSD graduate credits

CSD 521: 1⁄2 cohort

Summer III Graduate (Session I)

CSD 501Family Systems & Counseling:multicultrlýPrsp in Sp-Lang Path


CSD 505Augmentative and AlternativeýCommunication Systems


CSD 525Autistic Spectrum Disorders



EDUC 502Multidisciplinary Foundations of Education


EDUC 523Seminar: Psychology of Education


EDUC 561Methods Materials and Assessment in ESL Teaching ESL


Total Credit Hours:2-7

CSD graduate credits for students completing the five-year program 2

CSD graduate credits for two-year graduate students 7

EDUC credits if pursuing Teacher Certification and not already completed 3-9

EDUC 502, 523, 561: Required for Teacher Certification

CSD 501 and CSD 505: Five-year students take these during Summer II of third year.

Summer III Graduate (Session II)

CSD 510Communication Disorders in High-RiskýInfants, Toddlers, Preschool


CSD 515Dysphagia


CSD 516CClinical Practicum in Speech-LanguageýPathology C


CSD 517PProfessional Issues in Speech-LanguageýPathology


CSD 521Diagnostic Practicum in Speech-LanguageýPathology


CSD 522Audiology/Aural Rehabilitation Practicum


Total Credit Hours:10-12

CSD graduate credits depending on semester where CSD 521 and 522 are taken 10-12


CSD 521: 1⁄2 cohort

CSD 516C and CSD 521: begins Summer I – 10 weeks

CSD 517P and CSD 522: begins Summer I – schedule varies 

CSD 521 is taken in Spring IV Graduate or Summer III Graduate.

CSD 522 is offered at various points in the graduate curriculum based on availability of placements and supervisors.

Fifth-year Curriculum: (11 CSD Graduate Credits) or (20 Graduate Credits; 8 CSD Graduates Credits and 12 EDUC Credits if Pursuing Teacher Certification)

Fall V Graduate

CSD 513Comm Dis/TBI, Right Hem, Neuro CogýHemisphere Dysfunction, and NeuroýCognitive Disorders


CSD 519IClinical Internship in Speech-LanguageýPathology


CSD 526Medical SLPýApproach


Total Credit Hours:8

CSD graduate credits 8

Spring V Graduate

CSD 520EClinical Externship in Speech-LanguageýPathology



EDUC 597CSD Student Teaching Clinical Internshp


Total Credit Hours:3-12

CSD graduate credit 3


EDUC graduate credits 12

EDUC 597: Required for Teacher Certification

EDUC 597: EDUC 597 may need to be offered in the Fall V Graduate semester depending on availability of placements and off-campus supervisors holding the appropriate credentials (i.e., a master’s degree in SLP, the ASHA CCC-SLP, and a PA state license in SLP)

NOTE: Students taking EDUC 597 do not take CSD 520E, unless the required 400 ASHA clinical clock hours have not been accrued.

A minimum of 60 credits must be earned at the graduate level for the master’s degree in SLP. Students are also encouraged to enroll in CSD 523: Independent Research Study.

Master’s in Speech Language Pathology Degree Requirements (60 graduate credits)

In addition to completing a minimum of 60 graduate credits with a minimum QPA of 3.00, according to the plan of study developed by the student and his/her academic advisor, students must:

  1. Complete the current required number of clinical clock hours, according to standards set forth by ASHA, at least one week prior to commencement in the semester the student expects to graduate;
  2. Pass a comprehensive examination given by the CSD faculty;
  3. Take the National Examination in Speech-Language Pathology prior to graduation and submit PRAXIS scores to the graduate program director;
  4. Demonstrate mastery on all knowledge and skills competencies delineated in the CSD Formative Assessment Manual for the master’s program in SLP with appropriate evidence verified; and
  5. Complete an exit interview with the graduate program director to ensure that all paperwork regarding academic coursework and clinical practicum experiences (e.g., CSD Knowledge and Skills Acquisition form–KASA) required by ASHA are accurate and complete.

Required Clinical Practicums

In regard to clinical practicum experiences, all students will be required to provide documentation of a minimum of 25 directed clinical observation hours under the supervision of an ASHA-certified clinician before enrolling in CSD 468A Introduction to Clinical Practicum in SLP (see Pre-Professional Phase above) or CSD 516A Clinical Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology (see Professional Phase above).

All clearances and updated immunizations must be on file. Students must be available a minimum of ten hours per week in order to be scheduled for clinical/diagnostic practicum experiences. Students are required to complete a clinic practicum schedule, which must be adhered to, at the time they meet with their academic advisor for registration.