Undergraduate Catalog

College of Health and Human Services

Interim Dean: Lori E. Swanchak, PH.D., PA-C

Mission Statement

The mission of the College of Health and Human Services is to educate under- graduate, graduate, and doctoral students in an atmosphere of respect, individuality, and flexibility for best collaborative practices to address current and emerging health and human service needs in a multicultural, interdependent/global environment, and to promote nationally, as well as internationally, recognized scholarship and service.

Areas of Study

Communication Sciences and Disorders

The program is designed to provide students with a variety of academic coursework and clinical practicum experiences, according to the standards set forth by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), to prepare them, from a family-centered perspective, for professional careers as speech-language pathologists serving children and adults who have communication disorders. The department also provides pre-professional education for students interested in careers in audiology. The faculty of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is dedicated to providing students with a quality education and opportunities to integrate theory and research into clinical practice.


Consistent with the mission of Marywood University, the baccalaureate program in nursing calls upon students to seek their full potential and invites all to engage in a lifelong process of learning. The program prepares the graduate to be a lifelong learner who is competent in using nursing knowledge and skills to carry out the professional responsibilities of a beginning nurse in a variety of settings. Graduates will demonstrate those values, attitudes, and personal qualities that reflect a commitment to an understanding of persons as God-created, culturally and socially diverse, unique bio-psycho-social spiritual beings.

Nutrition, Athletic Training, and Exercise Science

The mission of the Nutrition component of the Nutrition, Athletic Training and Exercise Science programs is to provide dedicated faculty, quality facilities and a diverse environment which support nationally recognized undergraduate and graduate education, research and service in the areas of nutrition and dietetics, athletic training and exercise science.

The Nutrition and Dietetics programs have identified five goals to guide achievements and student learning outcomes.

  1. To foster a learning environment that leads to quality teaching and learning, original research contributions, and scholarly pursuits.
  2. To prepare students who can think critically in the theoretical and practical areas of nutrition, dietetics, and family/consumer sciences.
  3. To promote student commitment to lifelong learning, professional development, and community service.
  4. To encourage mentoring, teamwork, and collaboration.
  5. To empower students to excel in their knowledge and skill development in order to competitively enter the job market, internships, or graduate programs

The Athletic Training and Exercise Science programs prepare students for entry- level careers and graduate study in athletic training, exercise science, and other allied health care professions such as physical therapy and occupational therapy. The major programs within the department are content rich, laboratory supported, and field based. Faculty accomplish the mission of the department through effectiveness in teaching, productivity in research or other creative activity, and contributions in service.

Courses in Athletic Training and Exercise Science are designed to:

  1. Actively engage students in a comprehensive educational experience that is enhanced through the interaction of classroom, clinical, and professional educational experience.
  2. Provide each student with a theoretical and analytical knowledge base.
  3. Provide quality field practicum experience.
  4. Develop professionals with high ethical standards who will positively contribute to their professions.
  5. Develop professionals who value self-directed learning and professional development.
  6. Achieve satisfactory preparation reported by graduates and employers, for entry level positions and/or graduate school.
  7. Prepare students to sit for and successfully complete national and/or state certification examinations.
  8. Acquire physical skill to incorporate physical activity and wellness for a diverse society.

Respiratory Therapy

The Respiratory Therapy program at Marywood University is committed to building in our students, the confidence of knowledge, skills and effective patient care in preparation for their lives in the field of respiratory therapy.

Program objectives include:

To prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning domains of respiratory care practice as performed by registered respiratory therapists.

To prepare leaders for the field of respiratory therapy care by including curricular content that includes objectives related to acquisition of skills in one or more of the following: management, education, research, or advanced clinical practice.

Physician Assistant Program

The Physician Assistant (PA) Program at Marywood University is committed to exceptional education in a supportive and nurturing environment, providing the knowledge necessary to diagnose, treat, educate, and empower patients in a variety of settings across the lifespan. We acknowledge that every patient is more than just their physical body; therefore the Program is dedicated to teaching the students to appreciate the patients’ spirit as well as caring for their body. There is an emphasis on the importance of sharing knowledge with future PA students, while providing leadership within the community and promoting the PA profession. Every student will develop as both a professional and as a leader throughout their educational career. The Marywood Physician Assistant Program has awareness of the need for quality health care, both regionally and globally, as each student is prepared to deal with the changing health care environment.

Psychology and Counseling

Marywood's Department of Psychology and Counseling provides a wide range of programs designed to serve the interests and professional orientations of varied human service practitioners. We have been involved in the training of psychologists, counselors, and other mental health professionals for over 50 years.

Specifically, the Department strives to:

  1. Educate students in understanding the complexity and diversity of human behavior
  2. Develop the ability to think critically, understand research, research methodology, techniques of data collection and analysis, and respect for scientifically derived knowledge
  3. Educate students to develop and implement assessment and intervention strategies associated with individual and group behavior
  4. Facilitate students' understanding of varied roles, obligations, and ethics of human service providers and researchers
  5. Develop competencies to critically evaluate and contribute to research in the fields of psychology and counseling.

Social Work

The Bachelor of Social Work Program at Marywood University is a professional degree program which prepares students for beginning, entry level professional practice. The program provides educational experiences designed to ensure the acquisition of knowledge, values, ethics, and skills necessary to be a generalist practitioner with diverse populations. The BSW Program develops practitioners who are committed to social and economic justice, and who take action with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed populations. In accord with the Marywood University mission, the BSW Program prepares students for responsible leadership and service in meeting human needs through the application of professional social work values and ethics. As part of its mission, the program seeks to develop practitioners who engage in research- informed practice and practice-informed research, contributing to community well- being in northeastern Pennsylvania and in broader national and global communities.