Graduate Catalog

ND 549 Sports Nutrition

This course emphasizes nutrient requirements and use during exercise through practical application, including appropriate food selection to optimize performance of athletes. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: describe nutrient and fluid requirements during various types of sports and exercise activities, along with the rationale for those requirements; demonstrate basic knowledge of exercise physiology and describe the biochemistry of nutrient use during exercise; describe the effects of excess and/or deficient nutrients during exercise; compare and contrast considerations for athletes in different settings (exercise, sport, competition, tactical, amateur, and professional), and with different objectives (weight manipulation, injury healing, endurance, strength, power, skill); evaluate and discuss current literature in sports nutrition; have a working knowledge of nutrient analysis software and demonstrate the ability to calculate and interpret nutrient composition of foods; translate nutrition needs of athletes (of various skill and competition levels) into menus; conduct a needs assessment of an athletic team to formulate a dietary prescription to improve nutrition and health status and positively impact performance; describe benefits and risks of ergogenic aids; evaluate efficacy, safety, and necessity of dietary supplementation for human performance; and translate science-based evidence into dietary recommendations for athletes of various skill and competition levels.
