Undergraduate Catalog

Individual Options

Honors Program

Students who have achieved high grades in high school and/or high standardized test scores may be eligible for Honors courses. The Honors Program enriches the University experience by enhancing academic and research opportunities for students. For more information on the Honors Program, please check the program listing in the index.

Double Major

A student may elect to have a double major, in which the requirements of two distinct major programs are fully met within one degree program. The student arranges the program with the support of both department chairpersons. Typically, the student applies to the appropriate chairperson for entrance into the second major after the end of the first year using the “Addition of Secondary Goal” form. This application form for declaration of an additional major program is available on the Marywood website or from the Registrar/Academic Records Office.  A QPA of 2.33 is required for successful completion of the second major.  Some programs require higher quality point averages.


Minor programs, usually 18 credits, are available in many departments. Students may declare a minor with chairperson approval using the “Addition of Secondary Goal” form. See department program listings for available minor options.

A minor QPA of 2.33 is required for successful completion. Some programs require higher quality point averages.

Ad Hoc Major

When students believe that their unique educational objectives cannot be fully attained by choosing one of the existing major programs, they may devise an ad hoc pattern of courses. A form for an ad hoc proposal should be obtained from the Deans’ Offices or department chairs.

The program must be approved by the participating department chairpersons and submitted to the appropriate dean for approval. Ad Hoc major programs usually require 45-60 credits. They are typically designed during the student’s sophomore year.

Graduate Courses

Undergraduate students who have senior status (completed 90 credits or more) may be permitted to take up to 12 graduate credits with the permission of the department chair and appropriate dean. Students requesting permission must have a minimum 3.00 grade point average. The opportunity to take graduate credits may be advantageous for students in moving through a graduate program more rapidly or for students who seek greater challenge in their senior year.

Graduate credits must meet undergraduate degree requirements to be covered by financial aid. Questions about financial aid implications should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid.

Pre-professional Programs

Marywood offers a number of pre-professional programs. Listings are found within specific departments.

Independent Study

Students have the option of independent study, which may be undertaken for variable academic credit. Independent study is not intended to duplicate or overlap existing courses, but to provide options not otherwise available. To enroll in independent study, a student must:

  1. request a form at the appropriate Dean’s Office.
  2. have a minimum overall QPA of 3.00;
  3. obtain permission of a member of the faculty and the department chairperson involved;
  4. submit to the dean a proposal outlining the plan of study.

Field Experience

Marywood University acknowledges the necessity of integrating academic coursework and practical experience in the total learning process within many major areas of study. As a result, the University maintains strong and active affiliations with a number of cooperating agencies wherein students can gain these competencies, typically as upper division students. These arrangements are defined specifically at the departmental level and include titles such as: “field experience,” “clinical practicum,” “internship,” and “student teaching.” Each is designed to provide the opportunity of transferring theoretical paradigms to practical situations.

Cross Registration

Degree-seeking undergraduate students are allowed to enroll in courses at the University of Scranton for up to six credits within a calendar year. Unlike transfer credits from other colleges, grades earned through cross registration with the University of Scranton are calculated into a student’s QPA. Students participating in this program complete all registration through the Office of the Registrar at Marywood. Information, assistance, and registration forms are available at the Office of the Registrar.

Study Abroad

Students may broaden their educational experiences through enrollment in study abroad in colleges and universities in other countries. Marywood University has sister-school agreements, third party providers and exchange programs with colleges or universities in numerous countries to facilitate enrollment and transferability of credits. Detailed information about the Study Abroad Program may be obtained through the Office of Global and Multicultural Education.

The following policies apply to enrollment in courses through the Study Abroad program:

  1. Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
  2. Candidates must receive approval of their academic advisor as well as the Office of Global and Multicultural Education before departing to the country where the study is intended or before enrolling in the approved institution.
  3. Candidates must complete the Study Abroad Application at least three months before they intend to leave.
  4. All study abroad programs must entail the transfer of credit back to Marywood. A completed Transfer of Credit Form must be on file for the student before leaving for the planned destination.

There are many study abroad options, including semester-long, short-term, and summer programs. It is important that interested participants investigate their choices, the requirements and the implications that each choice has in terms of cost, credit transferability and progress toward graduation. The Office of International Affairs staff can provide program advice and general information about options. For up-to-date information, visit www.marywood.edu/study-abroad or contact the Office of Global and Multicultural Education.

The Intensive English Program at Marywood

The Intensive English Program at Marywood offers a special opportunity for international students who have not yet reached an adequate level of English proficiency for university-level work. This immersion program enables students to develop a fluency in English while adjusting to the cultural and academic requirements in the United States.

For more information, call the Office of University Admissions at 1-866-279-9663.

Other College Credit Opportunities

Credit for Professional, Personal Enrichment, or Transfer

Students interested in taking credit classes for the purpose of upgrading professional skills, for personal enrichment, or for transfer to another institution of higher education without the intent of pursuing a degree at Marywood University may enroll through the Office of Retention and Advising at 570-340-6043.