Undergraduate Catalog

Religious Studies, Bachelor of Arts

Program Requirements for Religious Studies Majors (36 credits)

For the B.A. in Religious Studies, 36 credit hours are required in the major, 18 of which must be earned at Marywood. Transferred credits are applied to the major with department approval. The maximum number of total credits needed to graduate with a B.A. in Religious Studies is 120.

The following courses are required for all Religious Studies majors:

RST 112Modern Belief


RST 201Introduction to the Bible


RST 213Jesus in Contemporary Perspective


RST 214The Church Today


RST 215Foundations of Christian Morality


RST 225Sacraments in Practice


Under faculty advisement, a Religious Studies major has the option of pursuing one of two areas of concentration:

Concentration 1

For majors who, upon graduation, intend to engage in some form of church ministry (e.g., as directors of religious education, teachers of religion, and youth ministers).

Courses required for Concentration 1:

RST 340Seminar: Religion and Education


RST 342Seminar: Church Ministry


RST 443Directed Field Experience


Concentration 2

For majors desiring to concentrate their study in advanced theology in the Christian tradition.

Courses required for Concentration 2:

RST 230Political & Liberation Theolog



RST 340Seminar: Religion and Education



RST 342Seminar: Church Ministry



RST 444Senior Research


Requirements for Each Major Concentration

In addition, nine credit hours in Religious Studies electives must also be completed in each concentration.

Both concentrations prepare a student for graduate work. Majors are encouraged to complement their studies with specific cognate courses from other departments that relate to their particular interests and needs; for example, majors in Concentration 1 are advised to schedule PSYC 251, Developmental Psychology; EDUC 311, Educational Psychology, and EDUC 414, Social Foundations of Education.

Students who are either majoring or minoring in Religious Studies and meet nationally established criteria will be invited to membership in Marywood’s chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa, National Honor Society for Theology/Religious Studies.


Students can choose to minor in Religious Studies. Students can also minor in Justice and Peace Studies, an Interdisciplinary Minor that is housed in the Religious Studies Department.