Graduate Catalog

PSYC 660N ST: Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is the gold standard in the treatment of emotion dysregulation, self-injurious behaviors and suicidality. DBT is among the most thoroughly researched interventions with at least 24 randomized controlled caparative trials confirming DBT as a highly efficacious therapeutic intervention. This course is modeled after the accreditation regimen created by DBT founder Dr. Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. Students will be taught using a truncated didactic and experiential learning experience that will prepare one for Linehan DBT Certification. Students will also be exposed to DBT skills, DBT conceptualization, DBT treatment modalities and DCT consultation groups for treating DBT clinicians. Finally, the course will have a strong emphasis on applying DBT with individuals with suicidal ideation/attempts.
