Graduate Catalog


Art Department

Program Coordinator: Stephen Garrison

Philosophy Statement of the Degree and the Department

In conjunction with the mission of the College of Arts and Sciences, Marywood’s Art Department offers the Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees.

The Master of Arts program in Studio Art is intended for graduates of schools and departments of art who want to develop their talents as studio artists. Study with outstanding practitioners in these fields acts as a springboard for further professional growth and education.

There are two areas of concentration within the M.A. Studio Art program. In the 2-D area, students may work in the following media: painting or printmaking. In the 3-D area, students may work in: sculpture or ceramics.

The Master of Arts (M.A) program in Art Therapy is designed to prepare individuals for professional practice as Art Therapists. A comprehensive course of theoretical study and practical application, along with the personal development of the graduate student as therapist are the essential components of the program. The Graduate Art Therapy Program follows guidelines from the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) and is accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE).

The “Get Your Master’s with the Masters” low-residency Master of Fine Arts Program in Visual Arts and Studio Arts are designed to provide professional emphasis for persons with an intense commitment to their art who intend to become serious professional artists. There are three areas of concentration: Graphic Design, Illustration and Studio Arts. In the Studio Arts, students may work in the following media: painting, printmaking, ceramics or sculpture, working with a variety of media.

Each program is supported by accomplished, professional faculty, visiting artists of acclaim, impressive exhibit offerings, and excellent academic and technical resources. In certain programs, there are both requirements and opportunities for museum research, and study tours—all designed to provide experiences of breadth and depth for matriculating graduate students. 

Application Requirements

Applicants to the M.A. and M.F.A. degree programs must meet the general requirements for admission to the College of Arts and Sciences. In addition, applicants must satisfy the following:

Studio Art, Master of Arts Requirements

  1. A baccalaureate degree in art or art education or an equivalent credit background in art that would support master’s degree work. Any student who, in the judgment of the department, lacks adequate undergraduate preparation must arrange to make up the deficiency.
  2. A portfolio of eighteen to twenty examples of artwork (slides, jpeg, or PDF file format on Google Drive, Dropbox, CD, or original work). The portfolio will be judged on its demonstration of both conceptual ability and technical competency.

A maximum of twelve graduate credits may be accepted for transfer.

A student must file an application for candidacy when twelve credit hours of studio work have been completed. Acceptance as a candidate will be decided after the following:

  1. Maintenance of a “B” or 3.00 quality point average or better in twelve studio credits taken at Marywood.
  2. Submission of a portfolio of work from the studio courses taken at Marywood.
  3. Approval of the student’s potential as a graduate student by a committee from the departmental faculty.

Upon completion of 36 credits, a student must register the intention to bring the program to completion with the execution of a Professional Contribution.

Art Therapy, Master of Arts Prerequisites (M.A) 

A baccalaureate degree with majors in studio arts, art education, psychology, social work, counseling, or special education, etc. is required.

  1. Students entering the Art Therapy program must have at least eighteen credits in studio art (drawing, painting, figure- drawing/modeling, and 3-D media, etc.) and twelve credits in psychology (general psychology, developmental psychology, and abnormal psychology are required).
  2. Presentation of a portfolio of art, including examples of work in a variety of media.
  3. An essay on the topic of why you have chosen to pursue art therapy education demonstrating effective communication and writing skills.
  4. Evaluation of each candidate’s individual competencies by an art therapy admissions committee. (A personal, virtual, or video interview may be required.)

A student must file an application for degree candidacy when eighteen credit hours have been completed. Degree candidacy acceptance will be decided after the following:

  1. Successful completion of 18 credits with a 3.0, or higher, GPA..
  2. Successful/passing Disposition evaluations.
  3. Successful completion of 400 hours of practicum experience.

Visual Arts, Master of Fine Arts Prerequisites

  1. A Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.
  2. Completion of at least eighteen undergraduate credits of upper division work in the area of concentration chosen and a “B” or 3.00 quality point average in that area. Students who possess outstanding or unusual qualifications that promise a significant contribution to the Master of Fine Arts program, but do not meet the 3.00 or credit requirements, may petition for a special review by the Art Faculty.
  3. A portfolio of studio work indicative of above-average or exceptional ability. Submit twenty images of current work (slides, jpeg, or PDF file format on Google Drive, Dropbox, CD or original work). The majority of these should be in the area of the applicant’s interest, but the portfolio also should include a lesser emphasis in related areas. All slides and digital images must be labeled with the applicant’s name, date of execution, size and medium.
  4. A statement of purpose, 150-200 words in length.

In addition, a personal campus visit to talk to a chairperson or instructors in your field and view the facilities is highly recommended.

If a student in Marywood’s M.A. Studio Art program is considering application to the M.F.A. Visual Arts program, he/she should make an application no later than after his/her successful completion of nine credit hours. Transfer of graduate credits from the M.A. to the M.F.A. program may be limited to nine credit hours. All credit transfers are subject to review by the art faculty admissions committee. Students must reapply following the general requirements for admission to the College of Arts and Sciences.

Within the M.F.A. program, there are four reviews of work-in-progress and student development. These reviews are held after completion of 12, 24, 36, and 48 semester hours of coursework and are designated as follows: (a) Initial Review; (b) Candidacy Review; (c) Progress Review; (d) Exit Review.

An Exit Review will take place after the final draft of the thesis project (Artist’s Statement) and during the exhibit.

Failure to satisfy two consecutive reviews will result in dismissal from the program.

Upon completion of 60 credits, a student must register his or her intention to bring the program to completion. Thesis statement and exhibit are required.