Undergraduate Catalog

History, Bachelor of Arts

Program Requirements for History Majors (51 credits)

The student who majors in History will:

  1. acquire knowledge of history of the major global areas and of the major historical interpretations regarding those areas;
  2. engage in modes of inquiry of history and pursue purposeful, honest, and effective research in the field of history;
  3. participate effectively in discussion of historical issues, exercising respect and critical thinking in analyzing opinions, and tentativeness in formulating opinions and conclusions;
  4. analyze the cultural characteristics and accomplishments of diverse national, ethnic, and religious groups, recognizing and appraising the values implicit in their specific orientations;
  5. analyze the impacts of economic and social forces on historical development of nations and world regions and on the global community;
  6. relate historical knowledge to current affairs, responding to the challenges of contemporary society with well-informed effectiveness;
  7. identify the influence of human emotions upon historical development and demonstrate empathy with the common aspirations of members of the human community.

For graduation, students must have a minimum QPA of 2.33 in the major and a minimum overall QPA of 2.00.

History Courses (42 credits) and Core (24 credits):

HIST 100Roots of the Modern World


HIST 101Global History of the Twentieth Century


HIST 105Ethnicity and Diversity in the ModernýWorld


HIST 252United States History to 1865


HIST 253U.S. History Since 1865


HIST 260Introduction to Historical Research




HIST 460Seminar in History


Note: HIST 100 and HIST 101 also fulfills a Liberal Arts core requirement in History

Electives (18 credits):

Select six history courses (18 credits) from 300 and 400 level history offerings, including at least one course in each of the following areas:



Developing World

Social Sciences Cognate Courses (9 credits)

SOC 211Introductory Sociology


ECON 100Basic Economics


PS 210American Government and Politics


Note: One of these courses is taken to fulfill the Liberals Arts, Category IV Social Sciences requirement.

Total Credits: 51 credits

Total Credits with Liberal Arts: 93 credits

Additional credits to fulfill University graduation requirement of at least 120 credits may be taken in open electives from any department.

A copy of the complete curriculum is available upon request from the Social Sciences Department.