Graduate Catalog

AT 543 Practicum IV

Practicum IV is taken in conjunction with on-site clinical experiences in a variety of clinical and mental health settings. In addition to working with individuals and groups in a variety of populations and with a myriad of presenting issues, you will be supervised by an on-site supervisor and by the professor of this course. The supervision sessions provided in this course will address a wide range of issues relating to the practice of art therapy. During the sessions, we will focus on the practice of art therapy including, but not limited to, assessment, treatment planning, goal setting, relational patterns between client and art therapist, the use of information garnered from the art, termination issues, evaluation of treatment, credentialing, licensure, professionalism and the fine art of art therapy. Furthermore, we will focus on issues related to transference, countertransference and ethics. Students will be asked to explore and consider their burgeoning sense of identity as a pre-professional art therapist. Students will be required to prepare and present and in-service presentation at their practicum site placement. You are required to complete 200 hours of practicum experiences to finish this course. One-half, 100 hours of the required 200 hours, must be direct client contact hours. Please refer to the Graduate Art Therapy Program Handbook for complete description of Practicum IV requirements. Arts-based supervision guides the format and structure of the course.




Take AT 542