Undergraduate Catalog

Communication Arts Degree Requirements

Major Core Electives To Graduate
1. Advert/Public Relations 50 43/46 24-27 120
2. Digital Media and Broadcast Production 50 43/46 24-27 120
3. Multimedia Journalism 50 43/46 24-27 120

Program Requirements for All Communication Arts Majors

The following courses are required for all Communication Arts students in Advertising/Public Relations, Digital Media and Broadcast Production, and Multimedia Journalism (23 credits):

COMM 101Dynamics of Speech Communication


COMM 112Communication Theory


COMM 115News Writing


COMM 130BFirst Year Practicum



COMM 230ACommunication Arts Practicum



COMM 230BCommunication Arts Practicum



COMM 130CPracticum - Video Production I


COMM 233LVideo Production Lab



COMM 330AComm Arts Practicum/Dig Med & Broad Prod



COMM 330BComm Arts Practicum/Dig Med & Broad Prod



COMM 336Broadcast Newswriting



COMM 430AComm Arts Practicum/Dig Med & Broad Prod



COMM 430BComm Arts Pract/Dig Med & Br P



COMM 451Coordinating Seminar in Communication?Arts


Note: Seniors must take 430A or 430B during the semester in which they are not registered for COMM 451.

Additional Requirements for Communication Arts Majors

  1. Transfer credits in Communication Arts will be accepted from other colleges and universities, up to a maximum of one-half the total number required in an area of specialization.
  2. The program directors and chairperson determine appropriate course equivalences (if applicable). The department may also require personal demonstration of specific competencies in Communication Arts consistent with program objectives.
  3. All major programs of study in Communication Arts additionally require that the student submit an approved thesis or equivalent project. The thesis or project is completed as part of the requirements for Senior Seminar in Communication Arts.
  4. Students may take one (1) additional practicum as an elective (7 credits total). Additional credits may be taken with the approval of the program director and the chairperson.
  5. All students, including transfer students, must take six (6) practica. An internship may be substituted for three (3) credits with the approval of the program director and the chairperson.
  6. Students can take up to 63 Communication Arts credits toward their degrees. Additional credits may be taken with the approval of the program director and the chairperson.